Das Thema „Big Data“ ist derzeit in aller Munde. Auch die Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung setzt sich im Rahmen ihrer Veranstaltungsreihe Kultur & Netz mit diesem Thema auseinander und lädt in Kooperation mit der Forschungsstelle Internet und Menschenrechte an der  Europa-Universität Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder ) am Freitag, dem 12. September 2014, zwischen 10:00 und 12:00 Uhr zu einem interessanten Vortrag mit dem Titel „From big data to banality of evil – An epistemological and ethical analysis of algorithms”. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch in den Räumen der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung in der Schumannstraße 8 in Berlin statt. Der Eintritt ist frei, eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.

Vortag von:
Kave  Salamatian, PhD, Europa-Universität Viadrina
Frankfurt (Oder ) & University of Savoie

Aus der Einladung:

The past months have witnessed a major uncovering of US and other countries generalized surveillance. These information along with already known massive (mis)-usage of users privacy for commercial purposes and the increasing application of automated algorithms for controlling ever larger part of fundamental rights (freedom of expression, right to privacy, freedom of belief, etc), present major fundamental challenges both from a human and ‘hard’ sciences perspective. All control and behavioural analysis algorithms are developed by computer scientist that are therefore in similar situation with nuclear physicist of the middle of the 20th century. It is therefore mandatory to develop an epistemic foundation for ethics of algorithms and people that develop them. This is indeed a large and hard task that will need a multidisciplinary involvement. The aim of this talk is to discuss about these questions and to begin a reflexion of the fundamental challenges that exists in this area.

Kave Salamatian, PhD is a full professor of computer science at University of Savoie and a Fellow at the Centre for Internet & Human Rights (CIHR) at European University Viadrina. His main areas of researches are Internet measurement, modeling and networking information theory. He was previously reader at Lancaster University, UK and associate professor at University Pierre et Marie Curie. Kavé has graduated with a Phd in Computer Science in 1998 from Paris SUD-Orsay university, where he worked on joint source channel coding applied to multimedia transmission over Internet.

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