Wir hatten ja bereits an verschieden Stellen auf die diesjährige „Freiheit statt Angst“ (hier der Aufruf, weitere Infos auch unter #fsa11) und unsere am Vorabend stattfindende netzpolitische Soirée “Freiheit und Überwachung in digitalen Welt“ hingewiesen. Wer sich noch nicht angemeldet hat, kann dies hier tun. Genauso haben wir Euch auf die am gleichen Tag in den Räumen der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung stattfindende Konferenz netz:regeln, die sich in diesem rund um das Thema „Offenheit als Prinzip“ dreht, aufmerksam gemacht.

Als tatsächlich dritte an diesem Tag stattfindende Veranstaltung möchten wir Euch noch auf eine von Jan Philipp Albrecht organisierte und im Rahmen der diesjährigen grünen europäischen Sommeruniversität der Europafraktion in Frankfurt/Oder und Slubice stattfindenden Workshop hinweisen.

Jan Philipp wird mit Jérémie Zimmermann von La Quadrature du Net, Katarzyna Szymielewicz von Panoptykon Foundation, und Michael Anti (Jing Zhao) über das Recht auf Internetzugang als diskutieren.

Aus der Einladung:
The workshop will address various current issues around internet access, including the digital divide between developed and developing countries, but also within Europe; threats to cut off internet access for filesharers; increasing attempts to filter and regulate network traffic by the access providers; political censorship. We will then discuss if internet access can and should be considered a fundamental right, and look at emerging campaigns as well as case law around this.

Zu den Gästen:
Jérémie Zimmermann
is a Co-founder and spokesperson of La Quadrature du Net. La Quadrature du Net is an advocacy group that promotes the rights and freedoms of citizens on the Internet. More specifically, it advocates for the adaptation of French and European legislations to respect the founding principles of the Internet, most notably the free circulation of knowledge. As such, La Quadrature du Net engages in public-policy debates concerning, for instance, freedom of expression, copyright, regulation of telecommunications and online privacy. In addition to its advocacy work, the group also aims to foster a better understanding of legislative processes among citizens. Through specific and pertinent information and tools, La Quadrature du Net hopes to encourage citizens‘ participation in the public debate on rights and freedoms in the digital age.

Katarzyna Szymielewicz is a human rights lawyer and activist. She is co-founder and executive director of the Panoptykon Foundation – the only Polish NGO working on surveillance society issues, a member of European Digital Rights Initiative. Panoptykon runs watchdog, think-tank and awareness rising activities. Currently devoted mainly to digital rights – both monitoring abuses and advocating for a systemic change. Particularly interested in data retention, Internet filtering and blocking, ACTA, Project Indect and the like.

Michael Anti (Jing Zhao) is a Chinese journalist and political blogger, known for his posts about freedom of the press in China. He became widely known when Microsoft deleted his blog in 2005, which made headlines around the world and contributed to ongoing debates about the role of Western companies in China’s censorship system. His Facebook account was also deleted, which created a controversy that is still ongoing. Michael has worked as a researcher at the New York Times and Washington Post Beijing offices, commentator for the Huaxia Times, correspondent of the 21st Century World Herald, war reporter in Baghdad in 2003, columnist for the Southern Metropolis Daily, and publisher of the Far and Wide Journal. In 2002, he wrote the famous Chinese web post „Manual for New Journalists“.

Hier findet Ihr weitere Infos über die grüne Sommeruniversität und könnt Euch auch direkt anmelden.

UPDATE am 1. Sept. 13:30: Referenten aktualisiert.


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